David Andrew Starke

(650) 814-6355 • dstarke@cs.stanford.edu



7/18 — 8/19 Software Lead, Internet of Vehicles and Blockchain, Canoo (formerly Evelozcity) Torrance, CA

Canoo is a startup electric vehicle manufacturer based Southern California. Led sofware architecture and enginering at Canoo's Silicon Valley office, which was responsible for connected vehicle services and apps. Projects included driver and fleet manager remote access and monitorinig of vehicles, driver-focused apps, vehicle charging integration and route planning, as well as the use of blockchain technologies for securing and verifying driver and vehicle identity, validating the integrity of a vehicle's history, paying for mobility services, and other automotive applications.

5/17 — 7/18 Product Architect, Atollogy San Jose, CA

Atollogy creates factory and industrial automation techonlogies using arrays of “Internet-of-Things” style data-collection devices, coupled with sophisticated artificial intelligence for data extraction. As part of the engineering leadership team, led the architecture and software development of Atollogy's core product. Led the design of data visualizations and data-driven decision making processes based on data collected from Atollogy's network of remote devices. Trained and mentored other members of the team and implemented software development processes and best practices, including the use of continuous integration and testing processes.

6/15 — 5/17 Founder and CTO, Workhood Networks Menlo Park, CA

Workhood was a social network focused on connecting people in the workplace and the neighborhood where you work. Raised money from angel and professional investors. Led the architecture, design and development of the full product, including the server components and client apps. Accepted into the Stanford StartX startup accelerator program. Workhood was acquired by Knotel in 2017.

1/14 — present Developer, DanceMaster, San Francisco, CA

DanceMaster is an iOS music player for rehearsal, designed for professional dancers, choreographers, dance teachers, and performers who need reliable and efficient music playback, navigation, and note-taking when learning and practicing performance pieces.

11/13 — 11/14 Consultant, Concurrent Software, San Francisco, CA

Designed and implemented information visualizations and user interfaces for Concurrent's big data analysis platform. Architected Concurrent's user interface applications and trained the user interface development team.

3/13 — 11/13 Founder, Canvas Computing, San Francisco, CA

Canvas was a collaborative, efficient visual analysis environment for data science. Canvas provided a structured team environment for working with data and presenting results that facilitated knowledge transfer and resuable work within a team of analysts.

5/08 — 12/12 Product Architect and Director of User Experience, Quantivo, Emeryville, CA

Designed, architected, and implemented analysis and data transformation applications for a cloud-powered big data analytics platform. Led the product design process from product inception through the deployment of finished applications. Identified and clarified key concepts and strengths in Quantivo's analytics technology and mapped them to target users and workflows. Invented new ways to simplify and visualize the expression of complex analytical questions. Designed and refined products through iterations of wireframes and prototypes. Led a team of engineers implementing sophisticated web applications for analyzing data and for administering cloud data infrastructure. Designed training materials and trained customers in the use of advanced analytical techniques.

7/05 — 5/08 User Interaction Design Lead, Carrier IQ, Mountain View, CA

Designed the user interfaces for a range of data analysis products providing remote diagnostic information about mobile devices. Led the product inception process, from identifying a target problem and target users, to creation of wireframes and prototypes, user testing, and specification of the interface. Coordinated a team of interaction and visual designers to create the look and feel of products. Provided architectural and technical guidance to the development teams implementing the web applications and the company's back-end platform. In this architect role, implemented several proof-of-concept applications to demonstrate new technology components and improve the overall efficiency of the development process. Served as Technical Lead, managing the development team implementing Carrier IQ's first production application.

11/04 — 7/05 Senior User Interface Interaction Designer, NextLabs (Blue Jungle), San Mateo, CA

Led the interaction and user interface design for a new enterprise information security product. Created wireframes and prototypes, and performed rapid design-focused usability tests to refine the product's interface. Contributed to the architecture and implementation of the application.

10/02 — 11/04 Senior Software Engineer, UI Integrations, Open Harbor, San Carlos, CA

Designed and implemented enterprise software for international trade automation. Led the user interface design and development of web applications providing shippers with international trade information. Coordinated teams of designers and software engineers to create and deliver software products. Interacted directly with clients to communicate designs and facilitate software integrations. Led several major user interface design and implementation projects, including the creation of DHL's Trade Automation Service for DHL.com, and a complete redesign of Open Harbor's global trade management web application for integrated clients. Created and implemented a process for improving the usability of Open Harbor products. Developed software using Java servlets, EJBs, Apache, Tomcat, Weblogic, Struts, Swing, and other related technologies.

5/01 — 10/02 Freelance Software Engineer and User Interface Consultant

Developed and built user interfaces and software products in Java with rapid product release schedules. Advised clients on user interface issues

6/00 — 4/01 User Interaction Designer, Pixo, Cupertino, CA

Created prototypes, product specifications, and storyboards to develop new concepts and interactivity for current (1.5G and 2G) and future (3G) generations of mobile phones, wireless applications, and related web sites. Performed exploratory research, competitive and industry analysis, and user interviews to determine product requirements for the development of GUI phone software. Led the reference handset UI design for the Pixo OS Platform. Led the initial design for the handset and web interfaces to Pixo's downloadable application product.

Summer 1999 Interaction Designer, USWeb/CKS, Santa Clara, CA

Designed information architecture, site flows, and page schematics for e-commerce web sites and web pages. As a project lead designer, worked directly with external and internal clients, design teams, engineering, and marketing groups to establish design goals, solve design problems, and communicate designs. Analyzed web site designs by developing and performing usability tests and competitive analyses.

6/98 — 12/98 Intern, IBM, User Systems Ergonomics Research Group, Almaden, CA

Collaborated with The Bridge School to design and develop new interface devices and interface software for children with physical disabilities. Designed new interface devices and computing products to showcase emerging IBM technologies. Implemented prototypes for new interface devices and software concepts.

4/98 — 6/98 Consultant, Yahoo!, Santa Clara, CA

As part of the class "HCI: Contextual and Organizational Issues" (CS247B), worked with Yahoo to redesign their city guides and local information sites. Explored user attitudes and behavior patterns through surveys, user interviews, and user testing

6/97 — 6/98 Research Assistant, The Archimedes Project, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

Played a major role in the redesign of the Total Access System (TAS), a set of devices which allow people with disabilities to use computers. Implemented a new version of the Total Access Port, an important part of the TAS, on EPROMs

6/95 — 9/96 Web Designer, The Foundation for the Future of Youth, Rockville, MD

Designed and implemented web sites and web pages for nonprofit organizations. Represented the foundation in meetings at the United Nations, New York and the White House, Washington, DC


1999 — 2000 Stanford University

MS in Computer Science, with a focus in Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

1995 — 1999 Stanford University

BS with Distinction in Symbolic Systems (an interdisciplinary program combining Computer Science, Linguistics, Psychology, Philosophy), with a concentration in HCI
Cum. GPA: 3.8
Phi Beta Kappa, 1999


US Patent #10,002,075: “Managing memory resources in a network environment in order to handle querying of logical data structures”, June 19, 2018


Communication and Information Design: User interface design; interaction design; information visualization design; graphic design and page layout; web design; brainstorming and design facilitation; persuasive technologies; technical and journalistic writing; photography and cinematography; theatrical lighting design; animation.
Usability: Design-focused usability studies, heuristic evaluation, task analysis, contextual inquiry and ethnographic style studies. Experience with tailoring the reporting of results for management, designers, or engineers.
Programming: Web development with JavaScript, HTML, SVG, and CSS, including D3, Angular, Dojo, and others. Server-side JavaScript with Node. iOS Development with Swift and Objective-C. Java, including servlets, Tomcat, Swing, SWT. C, C++, Perl, PHP, and others. Database access and data analysis with SQL, MapReduce-based systems like Hadoop, and others. Experience on iOS, Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX platforms.