Interaction designer focused on advanced analytics, data visualization, and other complex problems

Introducing DanceMaster

May 1, 2014

I am very excited to announce that DanceMaster, a music player for rehearsal, is now available in the App Store.

DanceMaster is a music player designed around the basic idea that when you practice, rehearse, or teach, you often want to play the same piece of music or part of a song over and over again.

Whenever you pause the music, DanceMaster returns to where you started playing so you can play that portion of music again. In addition, DanceMaster allows you to set cues in the music so you can mark and quickly jump to important sections.

It isn’t just about playback and navigation though. DanceMaster is designed to facilitate the process of learning a choreography, whether that is by allowing you to mark up a piece and add notes, or by reading your cues back to you as you practice so you don’t have to look at a screen while you are otherwise engaged. You can even share your cue markup with other DanceMaster users.

The app was inspired by my own experience rehearsing and performing with The Academy of Danse Libre and the Stanford Vintage Dance Ensemble, and it has completely changed the way I learn and rehearse choreography.